Border City Memorial Cup

Windsor Jr Spitfires AAA Zone
U12(2013) & U13(2012) Age Groups
September 27th to 29th, 2024
Sanction #25-004
Tournament Rules and Regulations
**Tournament Rules may be subject to change at any time**
1. Team officials are required to check-in at the tournament desk at least 30-minutes before each game to verify the team roster on the electronic game sheet. Game sheets can be viewed on after each game. Only rostered and approved affiliated players (APs) are eligible to play in the tournament.
2. A maximum of nineteen (19) players will be allowed to dress for each game. Affiliated players (APs) will be accepted at any time during the Tournament. Teams found to have any ineligible player(s) will be subject to disqualification and removal of the team from the tournament.
3. A maximum of five (5) registered/carded team officials will be permitted on the bench for each game. Teams found to have any ineligible team official(s) will be subject to disqualification and removal of the team from the tournament.
4. Games won by a disqualified team, or a forfeit will be considered a win for the opposing team with a score of 3-0.
5. All teams must bring two sets of uniforms, one DARK, one LIGHT. The HOME teams will wear DARK jerseys, and the VISITING team will wear LIGHT.
6. In the event of a dispute of the tournament rules the Tournament Officials will review and make the final decision. All decisions are final, and protests will not be permitted.
7. Suspensions will follow the Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF) Minimum Suspensions List (2023-24). At check in for each game teams will be responsible for listing all suspended players for their team. If a team permits a suspended player to participate in a game, that game will be forfeited 3-0 to the opposing team.
8. All OHF and Alliance Rules will apply to this tournament.
9. Each team will be permitted one (1) 30-second timeout per game for Semifinal and Final Games. No timeouts with be allowed during round robin games.
10. Approved neck protectors are Mandatory for all players participating in the tournament. Exemptions as made by Hockey Canada with appropriate paperwork considering home jurisdiction rules.
11. Mouthguards are optional but strongly recommended by Alliance Hockey.
Dressing Room Policy
1. Team officials are responsible for ensuring that the rooms are vacated at the appropriate times and left in a sanitary condition. Any damages to facilities will be billed to the offending teams and must be paid before continuation in the Tournament is permitted.
2. No Spectators will be allowed to enter the change areas or dressing rooms at any time. It is the responsibility of team officials to ensure the rules are respected at all times.
Game Times and Procedures
1. Prior to the tournament start date, each team must submit an approved roster and travel permit. All bench staff must review and sign the electronic game sheets before each game. It is the team official’s responsibility to make sure all players’ names and numbers are correctly listed, and suspensions are properly documented.
2. All teams must be prepared to start up to 15 minutes before their scheduled game times. The first game of the day will not start early regardless of circumstance.
3. A flood will be completed prior to the start of each game. Period lengths will be 10-15-15 stop-time. A 3-minute warmup will be permitted before the start of each game.
4. No Players will be allowed on the ice until Zamboni is off, its doors are closed, and officials are present on the ice.
5. In the event of a five (5) goal or greater differential the clock will be running time with no stoppage for the 3rd period. If the differential is reduced to two (2) goals or less, stop time will be instituted once again. All penalties called during running time will be assessed at time and one half. Penalized players may not leave the penalty box during a play stoppage, they must wait until after the puck has been dropped. Running time will not apply to semi final and final games.
6. There will be 1 hour and 20 minute curfew for all round robin games and semifinals, no curfew for finals. The Tournament reserves the right to curfew games prior to their commencement due to circumstances beyond our control.
7. Each Team must provide their own pucks, water bottles, and medical supplies.
All up to date tournament information can be found at: Tournament Updates
Tournament Headquarters
The Schedule and Standings will be posted on the Windsor Jr Spitfires website: Standings
They will also be posted outside Tournament Headquarters in the Windsor AAA Board room at Central Park Athletics.
Arena Location: Home Ice Central Park Athletics
Alternate Arena: Windsor Family Credit Union (WFCU) Centre
Round Robin, Semi-final and Final Game Format
1. Divisions will be made up of fourteen (15) U12(2013) AAA teams broken into 3 groups and eight (8) U13(2012) AAA split into 2 groups.
2. Teams will be guaranteed 4 Round Robin games. Round Robin games will be played within your group for U12(2013) and across for U13(2012).
3. Teams will be awarded 2 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, and 0 points for a loss in Round Robin play.
4. The top 3 teams from each group plus the next best record team for U12(2013) and overall top 4 teams of the 8 in U13(2012) after Round Robin play will advance to the Semi Final. if needed tie breaker rule will be used to determine teams that move on.
5. The remaining 4 teams will be seeded in the Semi Final as follows:
a. For U13(2012) 1st place team overall will vs the 4th place team overall and the 2nd place team overall will vs the 3rd place team overall for the semi finals.
b. For U12(2013) 1st place team from each group and best record wild card team across all three groups will play in the following format: Best Overall 1st place Team overall vs 2nd place wild card team and remaining two 1st place teams will play each other. Tie-Breaker rule will be used for all ties related to seeding position.
c. The 2 Semifinal winning teams will play a final game for the championship.
d. There will be no overtime or shoot outs during round robin play.
e. Tie-Breaking Rules will be as follows:
i. The team with the most wins
ii. Goal Differential: GF / GF+GA.
iii. Least Goals scored Against
iv. Most Goals Scored for.
v. Least Penalty Minutes
vi. Coin Toss by tournament officials.
6. The highest placed team will be designated as the HOME team in all semi-final and final games.
Semi-final and Final Game Format
1. There will be no running time during the semi-final and final games.
2. If a semi-final or final game ends in a tie the following will take place:
a. One 5 Minute 3 player vs 3 player sudden death overtime period will be played.
b. If a tie still exists after the overtime period, a 3-player shootout will occur. Each team will choose 3 different shooters with the home team shooting first.
c. If a tie still exists after the initial 3 player shootout, the shootout will continue in a sudden death format. Each team will shoot once starting with the home team and alternate until only one team scores in a round.
d. Players who have already shot in the 3 player or the sudden death part of the shootouts cannot shoot again until every player on the team has shot with the exception of goalies.
Tournament Disputes
The Tournament has no authority to over-turn or change any calls or make changes to a game sheet. The referee's decision will be final, and no appeals will be accepted. In the event of an error on the game sheet, the Tournament Officials, in conjunction with the Referee Supervisor, reserves the right to fix such errors with the appropriate supporting evidence.
Tournament Office
Only registered Team Officials are permitted to be in the Tournament Office at any time. Please ensure during this time that rosters are verified, and any suspensions are documented. The iPads are NOT to be removed from the tournament office by any teams.
Hotel Policy
All Teams are responsible for following all policies outlined by the Hotels. Teams not following the policies of the Hotel will be removed from the Hotel and/or Tournament without a refund.
The Jr Spitfires Memorial Cup Tournament, its committee, volunteers, advertisers, or others directly or indirectly involved in the Tournament will not be held responsible for injuries caused by or to any player, parent, coaching staff, or spectator. Please ensure that all players are covered by insurance before participating in the Tournament.
Welcome Packages and Awards
All players will receive welcome packages and each Team will receive welcome package including Four (4) player of the game awards upon initial registration for all Round Robin games. Teams playing in the semifinals and finals will receive One (1) Player of the Game award prior to the start of each game. Teams are responsible for selecting and distributing these awards to their own players at the conclusion of the game.
Tournament Champions will be recognized on the Jr Spitfires Memorial Cup Trophy and be photographed with the Cup. A team trophy and banner will also be presented to the winning team to take home for their association's trophy case. The Finalists will receive a 2nd place tournament award.
Click Here for more details: Registration Information
Contact information:
If you require further information or have questions regarding tournament payments,
please email: [email protected]