Windsor AAA Zone has a HOME, News (Windsor AAA Zone)


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Jul 12, 2012 | webmaster | 3453 views
Windsor AAA Zone has a HOME
I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer so far. The hockey season will be soon upon us and scheduling has begun.  I am pleased to announce the Windsor AAA Zone has signed an agreement to move into the old “ICE PARK” (soon to be renamed) for the upcoming season and many more to come. This venue allows our association to schedule all of our teams in one arena.  Also included will be a player's training room and a meeting/board room.

It has always been my goal to give the “ZONE A HOME” and I believe this has been accomplished. This board has worked hard to negotiate a respectable deal especially Lou Calsavara and Tony Ciampa.  The City of Windsor Parks and Recreation Department has been good to the Zone over the years but unfortunately they were not able to put us under one roof, nor did it seem probable in the future. I will update everyone as we proceed to work with the “Ice Park” Group throughout the rest of the summer. You can visit the new home at ​Central Park Athletics  and view the photos and layout of the renovated property.                                                                                                                                                  
On another note Jennifer MacDonald our ALLIANCE REP/Registrar will be leaving us as she has accepted the position of Vice President-Region 5 for the ALLIANCE.  Jennifer has been with me from the start of the inaugural Windsor AAA Zone and has been a tremendous asset and we will miss that dearly.  I am extremely confident she will be a tremendous asset to the ALLIANCE and the Zone. Jennifer will stay on the board until we can find a replacement to do her many duties. Jennifer thank you very much for the dedication you brought to the board and especially me. We wish you all the best.
I would like to welcome the following new Board Members:
Justin Bracci (Equipment)  
Frank Baggio (Administrative Assistant)
Ted Pruyn (open portfolio)

Please enjoy a safe and fun summer and keep checking back for updates on the new “HOME OF THE ZONE”

Fred Baldwin
President Windsor AAA Zone
