The annual Windsor AAA Zone AGM is scheduled for March 25, 2013 at 6:30 at the Holiday Inn Select on Huron Church. All members in good standing are encouraged to attend and participate in the election of open positions.
Please read attached letter from Frank Baggio - Administrative Assistant, for complete details
In compliance with article B1.3 of the AAA Zone constitution please use this communication as official notification of the calling of the AAA Zone Annual General Meeting.
Date: March 25, 2013
Location: Holiday Inn Select
Time: 6:30 PM
Administrative Assistant
Frank Baggio-AAA Zone
An agenda item that will take place at this meeting will be an election for 3 open board positions.
Members in good standing of the AAA Zone are eligible to vote as well as be nominated for these open positions.
If interested in seeking election please notify the administrative assistant of the AAA Zone of your intention of candidacy to be elected 15 days prior to the AGM meeting date as specified above. (See Bylaw 2.8 & 2.9 below).
Positions Open for Election:
President- 2 Year term-see bylaw B2.5 for eligibility of candidate for this position
Director At Large- 2 Year term- 2 available positions are open for election
B1.3 – Notice of General Membership Meetings
Members are entitled to receive notices of, and to attend, participate in and debate at all
Membership meetings called by the President, hereinafter referenced as General Membership
Meetings. No public notice or advertisement of General Members’ meetings shall be required,
But notice of the time & place of every such meeting shall be given to each Member by sending
The notice by distribution to Members through team Officials and by entering such notice on the
AAA Zone website ten days before the time fixed for the holding of such meeting. An affidavit
Statement by the Administrative assistant attesting to the date and method of notice is prima facie proof of such notice.
Bylaw II – Term of Office, Nomination & Election of Board Members and Appointed Positions
B2.1 the nomination and election of Board members shall be an order of business at each Annual
General Meeting wherein any Board position vacancy may be filled utilizing the electing
Procedures prescribed herein.
B2.2 A vacancy (ies) notwithstanding, the Officers of Windsor “AAA” Zone (ref A4.3) (a) shall be elected
To a regular term of office extending over two consecutive years, beginning on May 1st and
Concluding on April 30 and two (2) years thereafter
B2.3 Nominations and elections will be held upon the expiry of each term of office as follows:
President – two (2) year term (odd) - Open
Vice President – two year term (even): excluding year one dated May 6, 2009 for the
Administrative Assistant – two (2) year term (even)
Four Director at Large Positions - two (2) even and Two (2) odd-2 Open positions
ALLIANCE Representative/Register two (2) year term (even)
B2.5 Eligibility of Candidates for all Officer Positions: – nominees must be a member in good standing
At the time of their nomination:
X The President is an elected position but must have served one (1) year on the
AAA Zone Board.
x The Vice President is an elected position but must have served one (1) year on
The AAA Zone Board
X The Treasurer is an appointed position approved by the Board based on
Experience and qualifications;
X The ALLIANCE representative is an elected position but must have served one
(1) Year on the board.
Failing these qualifications, the nomination will then be open to the General Membership.
B2.8 Interested applicants are invited to submit their candidacy, in writing, as per notice on AAA Zone
Website 15 days prior to Windsor “AAA” Zone AGM. Acceptance by those above referenced
Positions must be done in person when requested by the President. (Ref B2.9)
B2.9 A nominee may stand (i.e. be a candidate) for more than one office. A candidate/member that is
Currently holding a position within the executive that has accepted a nomination to stand; he/she
Must vacate his/her current Board position and declare it vacant, (ref B.6.1). The vacant position
Is filled for the remainder of the term by election/appointed.
Administrative Assistant
Frank Baggio