Team Activation Challenge, News (Windsor AAA Zone)


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Feb 21, 2013 | webmaster | 1573 views
Team Activation Challenge
In partnership with Hockey Canada, we are pleased to announce the Club Hockey Canada Team Activation Challenge. From February 15 – March 15, compete against associations and teams from all across Canada for a chance to win great prizes for you, your teammates, and your association. All you need to do is head over to the Club Hockey Canada website and activate your card now.

Already activated? Get your coaches and teammates to activate their cards. The more activated members on your team, the better chance you have of winning great prizes including:
 ·   Hockey Canada prize packs (jersey, hoodie, baseball cap, stick and puck)
 ·   Swag for your entire team including Hockey Canada jerseys, tracksuits and sticks
 ·   Hockey Canada training manuals and videos filled with skills and drills to give your team an edge on the ice
 ·   Esso Gift Cards
 ·   Lowe’s Gift Cards
 ·   And more! 

Visit the Club Hockey Canada contest page 

Don’t have a card? Request one now so that you can take part in the Team Activation Challenge and help your association and team win bragging rights and awesome hockey prizes.   For all Club Hockey Canada and Team Activation Challenge updates, you can score big by following these pages:  
Twitter: @ClubHC_en Facebook:  
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