Nov 18, 2015 | webmaster | 6855 views
Parents, please familiar yourself with Hockey Canada reporting procedures for player injuries.
The coverage of the Hockey Canada Insurance Program is explained in the HC “Safety Requires Teamwork” Handbook available on the Alliance website under the Development tab and then by clicking Risk Management.
This form details the injury and information surrounding the accident/incident. Procedures Injured Participant completes HC Injury Report form obtained through the team trainer (team & health insurance information, guardian signature etc.) & submits the completed form to the Alliance Office within 90 days of the accident. Association must also provide proof of registration (Team Roster & Gamesheet).
Form cannot be processed unless proof of registration accompanies HC Injury Report form.
Form must be completed in FULL.
HC Injury Report form with supporting documents (team roster & gamesheet) and any original receipts are forwarded to the ALLIANCE Hockey Office through the association organization.
ALLIANCE reviews and if properly completed, HC Injury Report form is then forwarded to HC for their review. HC and/or HC’s Insurance Company will follow up with the injured participant if there are any questions.
Follow-up (parents/participant) inquires should be directed to the appropriate ALLIANCE Operating Committee Representative or Association Representative. This individual will then be responsible for contacting the ALLIANCE Office.