Windsor AAA Zone Partnership - Brennan Centre of Excellence, News (Windsor AAA Zone)


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Nov 24, 2015 | webmaster | 4239 views
Windsor AAA Zone Partnership - Brennan Centre of Excellence
Nov. 16, 2015 
Dear Parent I'm writing to tell you about a truly unique new partnership that's been established between the Windsor Jr. Spitfires AAA Zone and the F.J. Brennan Centre of Excellence & Innovation's Hockey Canada Skills Academy which we believe will have considerable impact on the development of your child as both a student and an athlete.

Through this partnership, Windsor Jr. Spitfires AAA Zone players in their OHI- draft eligible year will be encouraged to enroll at the academy, which is located at the newly renovated, state-of-the-art Central Park Athletics facility. Under this new plan, students would attend the academy beginning next September throughout the first semester of the school year, and would have the option of either returning to their home school for second semester, or simply enrolling for the entire year at the school.

While it should be emphasized that participating in this new arrangement is entirely optional, and that players' standing on their AAA team will not be influenced by their decision to join the academy, we strongly believe there are a number of reasons why this will be beneficial to both players and their families, some of which are included here:

  1. Skills development: in addition to icing competitive teams, the Windsor Jr. Spitfires AAA Zone is committed to developing the skills of all its players. The F.J. Brennan hockey academy is accredited by Hockey Canada, and its team of highly-qualified instructors is trained to teach the necessary skills for both the tactical and technical development of elite level hockey players.

  1. Academic Excellence: The Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board is a proven leader in scholastic achievement, with higher than provincial average EQAO scores and rates of high school graduation. Your child is certain to receive top quality academic instruction here in a differentiated learning environment designed to meet the needs of all levels of students.

  1. Convenience: the Windsor Jr. Spitfires AAA Zone already operates out of the Central Park Athletics facility. Student athletes will be able to leave their gear in a secure facility, and efforts will be made to schedule practices after school, which means parents can simply drop off their children there in the morning and pick them up at the end of the work day. That means more quality evening family time for you, and less rushing around to make late night practices.

  1. Team building: This will be a great way to promote camaraderie and team chemistry. Students will begin their day on the ice together honing their skills, will attend classes together, and then when school is finished, be on the ice again where their coaches can work on systems and other issues.

In summary, we believe this is an excellent way to help your child succeed both academically and athletically, while going a long way towards strengthening and improving Windsor as a leading and innovative AAA hockey zone.

I'm certain that you will have numerous questions about this partnership. To help answer some of those, we have included here a list of FAQs, but will also host an open house night for AAA eligible players on Monday, January 18 at 7 p.m. at Central Park Athletics. I hope you will make every effort to attend in order to learn more about this wonderful opportunity.


Fred Baldwin

President, Windsor Jr. Spitfires AAA

Frequently Asked Questions

Will my child be cut from the team if they choose to remain in their home school?

Absolutely not. We appreciate that some students may wish to remain in their home school, and while we are hoping for 100 percent participation in this new partnership, a player's position on the Windsor Jr. Spitfires AAA team will not be determined by their decision. We are committed to icing the best teams, and in fact, it would be detrimental to the team to select only those players enrolled in the school. Talent, ability and attitude are still our top priorities in selecting a team.

Will transportation be provided to and from the hockey academy?

No. It will be up to parents to take their children to Central Park Athletics and pick them up at the end of the day. We will, however, work to make this arrangement as convenient as possible for parents. We will schedule practices at the end of the school day, so that parents can pick up their children at the end of their work day. On non-practice days, the academy will try to schedule homework clubs or other activities to keep your child occupied while waiting for their

My child isn't Catholic. Will that be an issue?

No. All secondary schools in Ontario are open access, so religion isn't an issue. In fact, all of the WECDSB's schools are home to students from a wide variety of faiths, and the board stresses tolerance, acceptance, and understanding of all religions. However, you should know that this is a Catholic school, and faith-based activities are an integral part of every day. Those students who are not Catholic are simply expected to be respectful of the board's traditions.

Who runs this academy?

The Principal of the Academy is Kevin Hamlin, who is also head coach of the University of Windsor Lancers men's hockey team. John Nelson, of Proven Performance Hockey and the Lancers' assistant coach, is also a technical instructor there.

Why should I send my child to this academy? What are the advantages?

Besides the obvious benefits of skills development, academic excellence, team chemistry, and convenience, students in this program will learn about OHI- and NCAA options from skilled WECDSB instructors. The school also conducts field trips and has enjoyed visits from NHLers like Pavel Datsyuk, Chris Pronger, and Pat Stapleton.

How much will this cost?

The registration fee is $325, but we believe when compared to some of the other skills development camps that are available, this is a very competitive option, especially considering the high quality level of instruction your child will be receiving.

How much extra ice time will my child be getting?

Throughout the semester, your child will be on the ice three days per week and will get a total of 50 hours of expert on-ice instruction and 60 hours of hockey related off-ice instruction.

Will the credits my student earns at the academy be transferable if they decide to go back to their home school?

Yes. Students can easily transfer their credits back to another Catholic school, and The Greater Essex District School board can also accept credits for those students who are going back into the public system.

Does my student earn academic credit for their ice time?

Yes. Students earn a physical education credit for their instructional time on the ice. They will also earn three additional academic credits throughout the course of the semester.

Is there a limit to what types of courses are offered at the Academy?

Due to staffing and space issues, the Academy is naturally unable to offer all the same range of courses that would be offered in a traditional high school setting. However, currently, the academy does offer courses in English, History, Career Civics, Sports Marketing Management and Leadership.

If my student chooses to enroll at the school and stay for second semester, do they follow the same schedule?

No. Under the normal second semester secondary schedule, students will have all four secondary classes at F.J. Brennan High School. However, those students who decide to leave Brennan, but are enrolled with the WECDSB will be entitled to additional second semester skills activities and field trips to American universities.

Will my child have to wear a uniform?

Yes. All WECDSB students are required to wear uniforms, which can be purchased at Freed's at costs that are not prohibitive.
