Freedom of Movement Pilot Project, News (Windsor AAA Zone)


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Apr 16, 2017 | webmaster | 2130 views
Freedom of Movement Pilot Project
Participants must try out in the Centre or Zone to which they reside and will not be granted a release upon request.  All Zone AAA tryouts require a permission to skate from a Zone participants Home Centre.  All Participants must try out and be released in accordance with each Member Association Centre/Zone Tryout Policy.  The only release applicable for movement with Alliance AAA Hockey Competition is an OHF AAA Hockey Waiver.  Once released and in possession of an OHF AAA Waiver any ALLIANCE Hockey participant may try out with any of the other ALLIANCE Hockey Centre or Zone Member Associations. 

The OHF AAA Hockey Waiver must be presented prior to a try out.  If a participant does not have an OHF AAA Waiver they are not permitted to tryout.  Member Association Centre/Zone policies re: the number of import players who are eligible to play for their teams will still apply.

All teams in the pilot project (minor bantam - minor midget)  will be required to complete their declaration of intent to play form by the second Friday (April 21) of the tryouts.  Any player not on their home centre/zone intent to play form will then become a "free agent" within the Alliance.  The final two days will allow teams to consider these free agents for their final roster spots.


Players who are released from their home centre/zone who choose to go to a team outside of the Alliance Hockey will be required to obtain waivers as per previous practice.


***NOTE*** If a player is offered a roster spot and they turn it down for whatever reason they CANNOT BE A FREE AGENT AND GO TO ANY TEAM THEY LIKE.  So the coach must on their team letter head make a note saying they have offered John Doe a roster spot.  If they turn it down it is up to the association to give them a release or not.

Declaration of Intent to Play Form AAA Hockey
