Apparel Fitting Day, News (Windsor AAA Zone)


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May 17, 2017 | webmaster | 3467 views
Apparel Fitting Day
We are going to have the fitting for apparel and sweaters on Tuesday May 23 2017 from 5 to 930 pm. We will be located upstairs in the board room.

Our supplier Dave from Source for sports will also be present with apparel fittings on the same day right outside the board room. Jon sent all lists to coaches this weekend.

Please make sure that all lists are completed and that jersey numbers and last names are spelled correctly. There is no other day booked at the present time.

Please make sure that players bring shoulder pads and shin pads for measurements. It is very important that all players become present on this day.  The faster we put the order in the sooner it can back to us.

All sponsorship names etc. should also be a part of the list. Deadline for sponsorship is July 1. It is important to get the sponsorships to Jon Mesic as soon as possible.


Registration for all players will be soon as well. Jon Mesic will let everyone know when the website will open up for registration. I cannot stress enough how important it is to get everyone fitted for jerseys and apparel on this day.


If for whatever reason a player or players cannot make it then the family needs to make arrangements to have the jerseys ordered through someone else on the team. We are not going to have another day and we will not chase players to get this done. I am sure you all understand.


If there any questions please do not hesitate to ask.


See you all on Tuesday May 23 5-930 pm upstairs in our Board room.
