Sep 20, 2017 | webmaster | 4928 views
Major Midget Team Selected
The coaching staff of the Windsor AAA Midget team would like to thank all players for competing for a spot on this years team. The roster has been set - congratulations to the following players:
Collins, Adam
Couvillon, Kolton
Cruickshank, Jacob
Dale, Eric
Desantis, Noah
DiCarlo, Josh
Hutchins, Hunter
Jackson, Curti
Jeffery, Adam
Krieger, Mitchell
Krzeminski, Colton
Luciani, Christian
McCarthy, Brian
Moss, Ty
Panzalovic, Stefan
Pitre, Aidan (Goalie)
Polidori, Ryan (Goalie)
Welch, Cameron
Wells, Evan
Zekelman, Jack