Registration Deadline September 1, 2020, News (Windsor AAA Zone)


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Aug 24, 2020 | webmaster | 3242 views
Registration Deadline September 1, 2020
The Windsor AAA Zone is continuing to work on programming for the upcoming hockey season.  Many of the restrictions on return to play are determined by the Ministry of Health on a four (4) week interval.  We are moving forward to provide our hockey community with ice and competent training to ensure your player continues to improve in a safe environment.

The Windsor AAA Zone Board is aware of the high costs some other groups are charging to train your child during these trying times.  The Windsor AAA Zone is registering players with a deadline of September 1, 2020 for the upcoming season.  The timelines will be flexible and changing depending on the Public Health Units.

We are working with the staff at Central Park to comply with all health regulations as we begin to move forward for the 2020/2021 season.

Some things to be mindful of:
- After September 30, 2020 participation in "outlaw" leagues will cause your player to be suspended for the remainder of the season pending an appeal for re-instatement the following year.
- Windsor AAA Zone is a not for profit organization that puts the needs of the hockey player and family first
- Windsor AAA Coaches are volunteers with a reduced stipend as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic

Please review the articles on the website, especially the FAQ concerning the return to play.  If you have additional questions please reach out to a member of the AAA Zone for clarification.