Membership Update, News (Windsor AAA Zone)


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Dec 02, 2020 | webmaster | 2637 views
Membership Update
The following is information regarding the continuation of skating at Central Park Athletics. The Zone is dedicated to continuing to offer skills and keeping our members playing hockey as long as possible during these unusual times. We are fortunate enough to be operating in a private facility and can offer modified programming during the RED STATUS. 

The Zone has been absorbing a significant portion of the ice fees in an effort to alleviate any financial stress that has been placed on families due to the pandemic.  As a result, for the month of December we can offer a reduced ice fee of $150 with reduced ice time.   We recognize the cost per hour has increased,  but reflects the cumulative savings that we are able to absorb while balancing our other obligations.

The Windsor AAA Zone does not have a problem with the coaches for each age group getting an entrepreneur running skills. The ice times will be on our website calendar later tonight. There will be no weekend ice at this time for at least the month of December. We will run from Tuesday December 1 until Thursday December 23, 2020.


Teams have two options in this month.


  • Option A- coach can run to 40 minute sessions twice a week following Facility Guide lines
  • Option B- coach can run 80 minutes with team A in first practice then 80 minutes in second practice with Team B.
  • All teams still receive two Practices per week.
  • Ten minutes as always allotted to clean the ice after the 80 minutes.


It is important to note once again that we are fortunate enough to be in a private Facility and that our kids will still be allowed to skate unless of course the Windsor and Essex County Health Unit decide to go to the GREY Phase at which time everyone will be on Lockdown.

Lets take this opportunity to register the players and continue skating. The Windsor AAA Zone has done everything we can to have the players continue to skate. It will be another adjustment to the way we do things but at least we have an opportunity to continue. Our understanding is that most if not all Municipality Rinks will be shut down starting tomorrow.


Monday November 30, 2020 is still part of the last two months of ice fees the only difference is that we have now gone to RED Status.  Which only allows the 10. I.e.: nine players one coach 8 players two coaches. For teams practicing tomorrow please use option 1.


Registration DEADLINE: November 30, 2020 9PM for the moth of December. 


$100 For Registration and $150 for ice time.


We have decided as a board to continue to keep the players skating at this point. If anything changes on our end or the Health Board end everyone will be notified.


Example: If you register tomorrow for the month of December and we go to Grey Before the December 23 deadline we will reimburse pro rate the registrants to what has been already used.


We will take this a month at a time as we are all in the same boat trying to keep it safe and keep the kids skating.


Below you will find Central Park Athletics Facility Procedures.


Effective Monday, November 30, 2020, 12:01am  the Government of Ontario and Windsor Essex County Health Unit has moved Windsor/Essex into the RED Control Stage. 


Please see below the restrictions implemented for Team Practices: Skills and Drills 


  • Continued compliance of Windsor Essex County Health Unit mandatory mask mandate.


  • Team Rosters must be filled out with all necessary information and submitted before prior to entry.


  • All ice/turf rentals must be reserved in advance and approved by management.


  • All Athletes/Coaches/Visitors must self access at home. Additionally, all must continue to successfully complete Central Park Athletics COVID-19 Screening Waiver for review at our screening tables (review of submission, temperature taken) prior to being granted entry to facility. 


  • Team sports must not be practiced or played except for training.(No Games or Scrimmage)


  • Activities that are likely to result in individuals coming within 2m of each other are  Not Permitted. - No contact.


  • Maximum Groups of Ten on ice/field - Includes athletes/coaches/staff


  • No spectators allowed. Special permission can be granted depending on circumstances and must be approved by management. 


Lets try and get through this month stay ahead of the game and continue to skate.


Tony Ciampa

Windsor AAA Zone

Vice president



These changes are in affect until further notice. Lets continue following all guidelines and restrictions to ensure we can remain open and in hopes to return to  Stage Orange.
