HOCKEY RETURNS, News (Windsor AAA Zone)


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Feb 19, 2021 | webmaster | 1197 views
Information for return to Hockey at Central Park: Please be aware that Windsor Essex County is currently in RED ZONE; follow codes accordingly. Updates will be coming in near future for the Facility protocols.

Players must be dressed waiting to go in and signed in with rosters by coaches and permission by parents or guardians as was when we first opened. <NO DRESSING ROOMS YET>

Coaches should ensure this is done before hand. We trust that you have done this before and everyone has already been through this. It is important to have zero tolerance and all rules abided so we continue into the next phase.


If anything occurs as far as this COVID is concerned it MUST BE REPORTED as soon as possible to Windsor AAA Zone so that tracing can start as we need to have Central Park Athletics aware of the situation and it has to be handled correctly and promptly.


Teams will have 2 hour slots of ice. With this said there cannot be delays of kids getting off the ice and mingling around the rink, we need to get the next group inside the building as soon as possible. Parents because of weather and season will be waiting outside in cars and being waved in by an Attendant to get the next group in. It is important that we follow this with care and consideration for everyone involved.


If there is an extenuating circumstance that a player needs assistance then management needs to be contacted.


Teams are Allowed nine skaters plus one coach and one helper. There will more information coming your way tomorrow from Central Park Athletics to cover procedures. Please abide by all rules for everyone’s sake. We are doing our very best to get the kids skating again.
