Nov 11, 2024 | admin | 597 views
Pink October
Breast Cancer Awareness Month has been celebrated in October since the eighties. It is called "Pink October" as people around the world adopt the pink colour and display a pink ribbon to raise awareness about the importance of prevention and routine screening for the early diagnosis of breast cancer. Now, Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women in Canada, and this month, nearly 2,600 people in Canada will be diagnosed with breast cancer.
Cancer is a life altering diagnosis. With continued fundraising and awareness we promote screening and prevention efforts, researchers have made significant advances in cancer prevention, detection and treatment. This year the U13 team honoured Breast Cancer month as a team. They took to the ice in their home opener wearing pink jerseys honouring their family members, friends and patients that have been touched by cancer.
A message from U13 AAA Coach Mark:
I'm so proud of my players and staff for supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
It is impossible to overestimate the significance of being screened and examined for all forms of cancer.
"Don't allow cancer to stop you from reaching your goals."