Proof of Vaccination - September 22, News, U18 (Windsor AAA Zone)


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Organization | Sep 21, 2021 | webmaster | 3245 views
Proof of Vaccination - September 22
As of September 22, 2021, Ontarians will need to be fully vaccinated (two doses plus 14 days) and provide their proof of vaccination along with photo ID to access certain public settings and facilities. This approach focuses on higher-risk indoor public settings where face coverings cannot always be worn.

ALLIANCE Hockey has carefully considered the regulations, guidance documents, and advice reviewed from the Ministry, Public Health Ontario, and local public health units and determined that in the best interest of the entire ALLIANCE Hockey family and for the health and safety of all of our participants the ALLIANCE Hockey Vaccination Policy will continue to apply for all Affected Persons, including those aged 12 to 18.

Spectators to the arena facility are still required to follow all provincial guidelines and expect to be required to prove proof of vaccination or a valid medical exemption to obtain entry to arenas.

Central Park Athletics (CPA) COVID-19 Requirement as of September 22, 2021

As Per Province of Ontario Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements


*Those required to be fully vaccinated, must be fully vaccinated at least 14 days prior to date of entry


Mandatory COVID-19 Screening

Everyone must complete the CPA mandatory COVID-19 screening before entering the facility


Proof of Full COVID-19 Vaccination* is Required For:

Family & Spectators 12 years of age and older

No Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination is Required For:

Individuals under 12 years of age

Alliance Hockey has mandated all players 12 and older must be vaccinated 

Coaches/Volunteers/Officials 12 years of age and over while participating in games or practices only


Limited Exceptions:

Persons claiming a medical exemption must present CPA Management with ID and official documentation signed by a provincially approved medical professional stating that the individual is exempt for a valid medical reason. CPA Management will approve medical exemptions on a case-by-case basis.


Note: To enter the Tortoise & Hare Restaurant, everyone 12 years of age and over must present proof of being fully vaccinated.

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